Episode 8 - DO VS DUES: The key to getting things done - Holistic High Achiever Podcast

Welcome back to Holistic High Achiever! I’m Kaitlin Rohowetz, and today, we’re diving into a powerful strategy that helps you avoid overwhelm and achieve your biggest goals without sacrificing balance. This episode is all about mastering the art of the “DO Date”—a game-changer for high achievers juggling endless to-do lists, personal goals, and business ambitions.

We’ll explore the difference between a due date and a DO Date, and why setting aside dedicated time for the actual tasks, not just the deadlines, can be transformative. I’ll walk you through practical steps for organizing your calendar, managing big projects in manageable chunks, and building time for the little moments that mean the most. This approach has been pivotal for me in both my business and personal life, from expanding corporate massage services to creating dedicated family time.

As a bonus, I’ve created a free High Achiever Calendar Template to help you start implementing DO Dates in your own schedule. It’s color-coded to help you organize work tasks, personal commitments, and self-care, giving you a clear, flexible way to prioritize what’s most important.

Download the free calendar template: ⁠High Achiever Calendar Template⁠

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Episode 9: Breakfast of Champions: Fuel Your Day Right - Holistic High Achiever Podcast


Episode 7 - Nourish without Guilt