Our Recommended Products

Browse below to find our recommendations on:

  • Self Massage Tools

  • Skin and Self Care

  • Professional Use

    • Chair Massage Supplies

Self Massage Tools

  • Theracane

    A versatile, self-massage tool designed to relieve muscle tension and trigger points with ease.

  • Cervical Pillow

    Ergonomically shaped to support the neck and promote proper spinal alignment for comfortable sleep and reduced neck strain.

  • Theragun

    Handheld, percussive therapy device designed to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and accelerate recovery through rapid, targeted massage.

  • Yoga tune up balls

    Portable and effective self-massage tools designed to release tension, improve flexibility, and enhance body awareness through targeted pressure point therapy.

    For Tenis/Lacrosse Ball Set Click HERE

    For Psoas Release Ball Set Click HERE

  • Long Foam Roller

    Essential self-massage tool for soothing muscle tightness and improving flexibility, adept at targeting larger muscle groups and promoting deep tissue relief.

  • Trigger point foam roller

    Specifically designed to target and alleviate muscle knots and tightness through precise pressure application, promoting muscle relaxation and improved mobility.

  • Fascia Blaster

    Innovative tool for self-myofascial release, designed to break up fascial adhesions, improve circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite for smoother, more flexible skin.

Skin and Self- Care

Professional Use

Best for professional use of deep cupping.

600lb working weight limit.

Best for self cupping and moving cups.

Chair Massage Supplies!