Self Massage Series: Self Pec Massage and Stretches for Better Posture and Pain relief
Massaging the Pecs: For a Chest massage, sit or stand comfortably and press your palm from the center of your chest outward towards your shoulder, repeating on both sides. Adjust pressure as needed. Breathe deeply and spend a few minutes on each side for tension relief.
Stretching your pecs: Stand tall and extend your arms out to the sides, forming a T with your body. Then, gently lean back, feeling the stretch across your chest. You should feel a gentle pull in your pec muscles. Release the stretch slowly and repeat as needed for a good chest stretch.
More of a chest opener: Interlace your fingers behind your back, then gently lift your arms allowing your chest to open up. Feel then stretch across your chest and shoulders. Release and repeat as needed to achieve a thorough chest stretch.
Find the video tutorial HERE